Automation is viewed as a key business enabler and is deployed as an organization-wide platform

  1. Automation is leveraged across multiple parts of the business, and value is realized from varied capabilities such as RPA, cognitive, analytics etc. and are integrated across other critical technologies
  2. Automation workstreams are executed to achieve corporate objectives, and are also aligned to digital transformation
  3. A private repository of automation for reuse across for the organization is maintained in-house
  4. Automation opportunity identification is itself automated and leveraged by users throughout the organization
  5. Automation technology is viewed as an asset to drive revenue and is leveraged to improve business objectives
  6. Automation technology / platform has been deployed to automate long-running processes across front and back offices

Automation is viewed as a key driver of digital transformation.

  1. Automation is viewed as a major enabler to solve business challenges
  2. Plans for expanding automation into existing and new areas exist, but are not fully implemented
  3. Automation technology is viewed as integral to the technology stack

Automation is viewed as a strategic priority and broad adoption is under way

  1. Automation is used as just another technology, but true value is yet to be realized
  2. Automation evangelism is ad-hoc and adopted only when needed
  3. Business automation is confined to an individual’s desktop

Automation is deployed as a point-solution to address specific business needs

  1. Automation is loosely leveraged for specific tasks or processes
  2. Automation is treated as a minimal arrangement and not treated as an interim or minimum viable solution