Standardized process discovery methodology with significant qualified automation pipeline

  1. There is a standard process discovery methodology and framework across the organization with coverage of support and core functions
  2. Factors such as business case and anticipated ROI are used to prioritize the automation pipeline
  3. The execution roadmap is prioritized based on business value gains
  4. A product or technology has been deployed to automate process discovery

Defined and consistent process discovery methodology with automation pipeline

  1. Process discovery mechanism is standardized through usage of a framework with prioritization limited to support functions
  2. Factors like preparation of business case and ROI are not used to prioritize processes for automation
  3. There is no technology or product in place for automated process discovery

Inconsistent process discovery methodology with thin automation pipeline

  1. Process discovery mechanisms are siloed and non-standard across the organization
  2. The automation pipeline is ad hoc and not prioritized by potential ROI and business benefits

Process discovery methodology and automation pipeline do not exist

  1. There is no formal mechanism, technology, or framework in place to identify processes for automation
  2. Process selection for automation is ad hoc