A federated governance structure exists at the program-level, supported by a centralized steering committee

  1. Governance is mapped at the central and business function levels, and ownership has been well established
  2. Automation policies, guidelines, and processes are integrated within each business and execution understanding is well established
  3. An automation mindset and culture are trenched in all business functions, and there is a strong appreciation of adoption drivers

A centralized governance structure exists to support enterprise-wide roll out

  1. A steering committee and governance structure with leadership representation from key business functions is in place
  2. The automation program is tracked and managed to guide direction, make decisions, and enforce policies

A centralized governance structure exists but is inadequate for enterprise-wide roll out

  1. Clearly defined accountability and ownership, such as a RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed) matrix,is yet to be defined for automation programs
  2. Standard operating procedures, guidelines, and policies for the governance of automation are not yet defined and documented

There is no formal governance structure for automation

  1. A formal governance structure with clearly defined roles and responsibilities is yet to be defined
  2. Automation governance is not aligned with the existing business governance structure