Democratized delivery model

  1. The delivery model is citizen-centric, where business teams are responsible for identifying and executing automation opportunities, either over a centralized or distributed delivery model
  2. Tech support for automaton operations is managed by business teams, followed by the COE to support on advance issues / challenges
  3. Use cases are executed with a view of business value realization and business value save (i.e. capacity, efficiency etc.)

Federated delivery model

  1. The delivery methodology is hybrid, where businesses manage automation development, with governance managed centrally by a COE
  2. The successful delivery of use cases lies with business
  3. Global standardization and tech support are managed by the Center of Excellence (COE)

Centralized delivery model

  1. The delivery methodology is centrally driven by a Center of Excellence (COE) as a shared service for the entire organization
  2. Policies, procedures, standards,and guiding principles are developed and executed centrally

Siloed delivery model

  1. The delivery methodology is restricted to one business function
  2. Performance of automation programs isn’t currently tracked