Mature change management

  1. Change management is ingrained in every function and guided by overall IT / digital strategy
  2. A Central Advisory Board review committee is mandatory for every change made to automation landscape
  3. The CAB must approve any deviations or additional efforts, including scope change, resource, or timeline extension for introducing changes in landscape

Formal change management

  1. Every change is notified and submitted to a Change Approval Board (CAB) before it is undertaken for execution
  2. The proposed change would accompany rollback strategy, potential output, and value
  3. Effort estimation, resource requirements, and timeline plan accompanies every change request

Informal change management

  1. Change management is informal and not documented
  2. Any guidelines are likely defined at the local level and are not propagated across functions. Accountability for change management is not defined
  3. Changes are not logged, and versions are not controlled

Ad hoc change management

  1. Changes to automation only happen when required or requested, and there’s no well-defined procedure or version management
  2. There are no policies governing the circumstances under which bot changes can occur